PEEQUAL Freelancer and Expense Policy

PEEQUAL Freelancer Policy

1. All freelancers must sign a contract outlining the scope of work and compensation before starting any work.

2. Freelancers will be paid on a per-project basis, with the amount agreed upon in advance and confirmed by the event manager.

3. Invoices must be submitted by freelancers upon completion of the project, according to the document named “Peequal – Freelancer Invoicing Proformat”.

4. Freelancers must detail their expenses on their invoices, according to the Expense policy.

5. Invoices will be paid within 15 days of receipt, provided they are accurate and the work has been completed satisfactorily.

6. Freelancers are responsible for their own taxes and benefits and will not be eligible for company-provided benefits.

PEEQUAL Freelancer Expense Policy

1. Food and Catering
The Events Operations Lead shall be responsible for pre-arranging all food and catering services. In exceptional circumstances where the Events Operations Lead does not pre-arrange the food, the Events Operations Lead shall explicitly notify the freelancer that the freelancer will be responsible for covering their own meal expenses. Only in such cases where the Events Operations Lead has provided explicit notification shall the following policy apply:
a. The company shall reimburse freelancers for meal expenses up to a maximum of £8 per meal per day.
b. Eligible meals for reimbursement shall include breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
c. All eligible meal expenses must be itemised and detailed in the invoice, in accordance with the provided proforma.
d. Freelancers shall retain all receipts and submit a copy of each receipt (either scanned or photographed) in conjunction with their invoices to substantiate the claimed expenses.

2. Transportation
a. The company will reimburse freelancers up to £20 one way for transportation expenses, including bus or train.
b. All eligible transportation expenses must be detailed in the invoice, following the provided proforma.
c. Freelancers must keep all receipts and submit a copy of each receipt (scan or picture) along with their invoices.
d. Fuel reimbursement (Event Leads only): Freelancers will be reimbursed for fuel expenses based on submitted receipts. Freelancers should submit their fuel expenses along with other eligible expenses, following the same reimbursement process.
The Event Operations Lead will review the fuel expenses to ensure they are reasonable and in line with the expected costs for the specific travel route and duration. If the Event Operations Lead determines that the fuel expenses are excessive or unreasonable, they may deny reimbursement for the excess amount and provide an explanation to the freelancer.
Once approved by the Event Operations Lead, the expense report will be forwarded to the finance department for processing and reimbursement.

3. Accommodation
a. Accommodation for freelancers will be planned and arranged in advance by the Peequal’s Event Operations Lead.
b. Freelancers should not incur any accommodation expenses unless specifically instructed to do so by the Event Operations Lead.

4. Expense Submission
a. Freelancers must submit an invoice detailing all eligible expenses, following the provided proforma.
b. Invoices should be submitted within 30 days of incurring the expenses.
c. Copies of all relevant receipts (scans or pictures) must be submitted along with the invoice. d. Incomplete or incorrect invoices may result in delayed reimbursement.

5. Reimbursement Process
a. Peequal Ltd will review submitted invoices and expense receipts for accuracy and compliance with this policy.
b. Approved expenses will be reimbursed within 15 days of receipt of the complete and correct invoice.
c. Reimbursement will be made via the freelancer’s preferred payment method, as indicated in their invoice.

6. Non-Reimbursable Expenses
a. Expenses that are not pre-approved, do not comply with this policy, or are not supported by appropriate receipts will not be reimbursed.
b. Examples of non-reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to: alcoholic beverages, personal entertainment, and expenses incurred by family members or friends.

7. Currency and Exchange Rates
a. Expenses should be reported in the currency in which they were incurred.
b. If expenses are incurred in a currency other than the one used for reimbursement, the exchange rate on the date the expense was incurred will be used for conversion.

8. Policy Compliance
a. Freelancers are expected to comply with this expense policy and exercise good judgment when incurring expenses.
b. Fraudulent or misleading expense claims may result in termination of the freelancer’s contract and legal action.
c. The company reserves the right to update or modify this policy at any time, with written notice to freelancers